Your marriage and the divorce proceedings have finally reached their conclusions. Hopefully, you and your spouse managed to negotiate on property division and child custody so that everyone is relatively happy with the outcomes. Of course, this might be a tad...
Family Law
How to handle holidays as a co-parent
Co-parenting requires you to put the needs of the children over your own desires. This can be rather difficult to handle during the holidays when all you want to do is spend time with your children. While there’s still a little time before the busy winter holiday...
Prenups and postnups: What you need to know
Marriage is a life-changing event for many people and if there were to ever be a problem that would result in divorce, people can put prenuptial agreements (also known as prenups) in place to protect their assets. This legal document is created before marriage and...
Is your spouse hiding money in cryptocurrency?
People try to hide money in a lot of different ways when going through a divorce. Some of them just give money to friends. Others funnel it into a small business that they own. Still others will set money aside in hidden accounts or safe deposit boxes. There are often...
Can the children decide where to live?
As your divorce gets closer, you know that sharing time with the children is your biggest goal. Your marriage is going to end, but being a parent is still the most important thing to you. Your custody rights are a major focus. What you’re worried about is that your...
How old is too old to divorce?
You and your spouse have been together for many years, but you’ve found that you simply aren’t interested in the same kind of lifestyle anymore. You want to continue being active and to travel around the world. You are using your retirement as a time when you can...
What happens if your spouse refuses to agree to divorce?
You may have recently considered divorce and readied all the divorce papers. You asked your spouse to sign their part and they flat-out refused. There are many reasons why your spouse may be refusing to sign the divorce papers: They think they can save the marriage,...
Patience can help make co-parenting easier
In a society that values instant gratification, it can be difficult to have patience. While there are some situations that are urgent and require immediate attention, there are others that can be put aside. Determining what’s urgent when you’re co-parenting can be a...
Parenting time splits must be handled carefully
Children who haven’t ever known a life without both parents living in the same house might be devastated if they find out their parents are splitting up. The uncertain future can lead to considerable stress for them. It’s up to the parents in these situations to...
1 big step that can de-stress your co-parenting relationship
Post-divorce a co-parenting relationship can be hard enough without adding more stress into the equation. Being able to work with your co-parent makes the situation a lot easier. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do that will help make things easier...