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Child Custody And Parental Decision-Making

During a divorce, one of the major issues couples have to deal with is determining what happens to the children. At Hess & Jendro Law Office, P.A., we provide a range of family law services and understand that the custody issue can be distressing. We want to help you maintain your children’s stability.

With decades of legal experience, we have significant knowledge of child custody laws to ensure your children’s best interests are met. Whether you are a father seeking custody rights, a stay-at-home mother or even a concerned grandparent, we assist you with your legal issues, ensuring that your individual and parental rights are protected so you can make religious, health care and education decisions in regard to the child’s upbringing. You can relax and trust in our understanding, experience and strong work ethic while you focus on keeping your children calm and worry-free.

A Variety Of Factors Affect Child Custody

The issues of child custody are complicated. Generally, a lawyer is necessary to help resolve care and visitation disputes in the short term, while creating a long-term plan for your children’s future. Factors that may affect custody of the children include:

  • Each parent’s relationship with the children
  • The parents’ lifestyles
  • The parents’ parenting capabilities
  • The children’s wishes
  • The parents’ financial situations
  • The children’s personal needs

Emergency Or Temporary Relief For Children

In some cases, you may find it necessary to request immediate relief from an abusive or dangerous situation. The court system is designed to be open to all individuals with or without an attorney. However, emergency relief is specifically difficult to obtain without the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. Our office has been successful in obtaining emergency orders to protect children from immediate danger or temporary orders to resolve financial issues while we work through the divorce process.

Contact An Experienced Custody Attorney Today

Work with trustworthy attorneys who care about you. Call Hess & Jendro Law Office, P.A., in Elk River at 763-200-6626 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation visit. We provide highly skilled representation to parents here in Sherburne County, the Twin Cities metro area and Central Minnesota. Do not pay a fortune for impersonal service ― get compassionate attention and personalized assistance from our attorneys when you need it most.