When might a court order supervised parenting time? 

On Behalf of | May 20, 2024 | Family Law

The family courts in Minnesota have several options when settling custody cases. For the most part, the courts deem both parents playing an active role to be in the best interests of the child. 

Nonetheless, every situation is unique, and the court may impose supervised visitation in some cases. Supervised visitation can occur in designated locations or a residential setting. What matters is that all parties agree on the location and that the supervision requirements are met.  

When might a court order supervised visitation time? 

When the relationship is new 

In some cases, parents and children become estranged. Perhaps a parent has just established paternity and wants to get to know their child after several years. It can take time for trust and family bonds to form, and the courts are aware of this. This is why supervised visitation is often used as a tool to gradually build the parent/child relationship. 

Generally, supervised visitation will be a temporary measure, and after both parent and child become more comfortable, the court may order a more permanent visitation schedule that can be unsupervised. 

When a parent or child has special requirements 

It is not uncommon for a parent to fall ill and require some help in terms of parenting. Supervised visitation can assist parents with both physical and mental health conditions. It allows parents to maintain their bond with their child, yet have some help should things become a little overwhelming. 

Again, supervised visits are generally viewed as a temporary measure until the parent manages to get back on their feet. 

Supervised visitation may also be utilized when domestic violence, substance abuse or any other issue poses a danger to the child. To find out more about your custody rights, it will benefit you to seek some legal guidance.


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